Results for 'D. R. Morrison'

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  1.  25
    A Guide to Books on Southeast Asian History.D. R. SarDesai, Gayle Morrison & Stephen Hay - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (1):151.
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  2. The Roman Catholic Church, Biopolitics, and the Vegetative State.J. P. Bishop & D. R. Morrison - 2011 - Christian Bioethics 17 (2):165-184.
    Compelled by recent public and politicized cases in which withdrawal of nutrition and hydration were at issue, this essay examines recent Church statements and argues that the distinction between private and public forms of human life is being lost. Effacing the distinction between the sphere of the home (oikos), where the maintenance of life (zoē) occurs, and the city (polis), where political and public life (bios) occurs, may have unforeseen and unwanted consequences. Through their well-intentioned efforts to preserve the sanctity (...)
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  3. Robert G. Morrison: Nietzsche and Buddhism: a study in nihilism and ironic affinities.D. R. Loy - 1998 - Asian Philosophy 8:129-130.
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    Plato's Euthyphro, Apology, and Crito: Critical Essays.Rachana Kamtekar, Mark McPherran, P. T. Geach, S. Marc Cohen, Gregory Vlastos, E. De Strycker, S. R. Slings, Donald Morrison, Terence Irwin, M. F. Burnyeat, Thomas C. Brickhouse, Nicholas D. Smith, Richard Kraut, David Bostock & Verity Harte - 2004 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Plato's Euthyrphro, Apology, andCrito portray Socrates' words and deeds during his trial for disbelieving in the Gods of Athens and corrupting the Athenian youth, and constitute a defense of the man Socrates and of his way of life, the philosophic life. The twelve essays in the volume, written by leading classical philosophers, investigate various aspects of these works of Plato, including the significance of Plato's characters, Socrates's revolutionary religious ideas, and the relationship between historical events and Plato's texts.
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    Xénophon et Socrate: actes du colloque d'Aix-en-Provence (6-9 novembre 2003).T. Calvo Martínez, L. Dorion, J. Gourinat, D. R. Morrison, M. Narcy, D. Morrison & H. Ney - 2008 - Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin.
    Depuis une vingtaine d'annees, on assiste un peu partout a un regain d'interet pour les ecrits socratiques de Xenophon. Que Xenophon ne nous donne pas davantage que Platon un portrait historiquement fiable de Socrate peut etre considere comme un acquis de la critique du XXe siecle. Laissant transparaitre dans son temoignage des options profondement differentes de celles de Platon, Xenophon temoigne par la meme, cependant, des tensions, voire des oppositions qui traversaient le milieu socratique autour du souvenir et de la (...)
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    The dignity of man and the followers of Epicurus. The view of the Huguenot François de la Noue.Ian R. Morrison & J. R. Morrison - 1975 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 37 (3):421-429.
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    Critical brain characteristics to consider in developing dream and memory theories.Adrian R. Morrison & Larry D. Sanford - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (6):977-978.
    Dreaming in sleep must depend on the activity of the brain as does cognition and memory in wakefulness. Yet our understanding of the physiological subtleties of state differences may still be too primitive to guide theories adequately in these areas. One can state nonetheless unequivocally that the brain in REM is poorly equipped to practice for eventualities of wakefulness through dreaming, or for consolidating into memory the complex experiences of that state. [Hobson et al., Nielsen, Solms, Vertes & Eastman, Revonsuo].
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    Barriers to Completion of Healthcare Proxy Forms: A Qualitative Analysis of Ethnic Differences.R. S. Morrison, L. H. Zayas, M. Mulvihill, S. A. Baskin & D. E. Meier - 1998 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 9 (2):118-126.
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  9. New books. [REVIEW]John Sime, R. F. Alfred Hoernle, David Morrison, Allan Menzies, G. Galloway, M. D., M. L. & K. P. - 1907 - Mind 16 (61):137-151.
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    The development and piloting of a capacity assessment tool.M. T. Carney, J. Neugroschl, R. S. Morrison, D. Marin & A. L. Siu - 2001 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 12 (1):17.
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  11. EUCKEN, R. - Geistige Strömungen der Gegenwart, etc. [REVIEW]D. Morrison - 1905 - Mind 14:265.
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    Studies on the Civilization and Culture of Nuzi and the Hurrians, In Honor of E. R. Lacheman.Samuel Greengus, M. A. Morrison & D. I. Owen - 1984 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 104 (2):364.
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  13. ORAGE, A. R. -Nietzsche in Outline and Aphorism. [REVIEW]D. Morrison - 1908 - Mind 17:273.
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    François de La Noue, les Guerres de religion et la tolérance religieuse.Ian R. Morrison - 1986 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 48 (1):71-84.
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    François de La Noue et l'alchimie.Ian R. Morrison - 1982 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 44 (3):587-599.
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    Book reviews and notices. [REVIEW]Ronald Neufeldt, Michael H. Fisher, Alan Lowenschuss, R. Blake Michael, Jennifer B. Saunders, Will Sweetman, Jason D. Fuller, Christopher Key Chapple, M. Whitney Kelting, Heidi Pauwels, D. Dennis Hudson, Kate Romanoff, Thomas Forsthoefel, Sonya L. Jones, Frank J. Korom & Kathleen D. Morrison - 1999 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 3 (1):83-107.
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    Wittgenstein's Lectures on the Foundations of Mathematics, Cambridge 1939.Paul G. Morrison - 1977 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 37 (4):584-586.
    For several terms at Cambridge in 1939, Ludwig Wittgenstein lectured on the philosophical foundations of mathematics. A lecture class taught by Wittgenstein, however, hardly resembled a lecture. He sat on a chair in the middle of the room, with some of the class sitting in chairs, some on the floor. He never used notes. He paused frequently, sometimes for several minutes, while he puzzled out a problem. He often asked his listeners questions and reacted to their replies. Many meetings were (...)
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  18.  32
    R. D. Connor;, A. D. C. Simpson. Weights and Measures in Scotland: A European Perspective. Edited by, A. D. Morrison‐Low. xvi + 842 pp., illus., apps., index. East Linton: Tuckwell Press, 2004. $125. [REVIEW]Ronald Zupko - 2005 - Isis 96 (2):286-287.
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    Letters (R.) Morello (A.D.) Morrison Ancient Letters. Classical and Late Antique Epistolography. Pp. xviii + 373, ills. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. Cased, £60. ISBN: 978-0-19-920395-. [REVIEW]David Konstan - 2008 - The Classical Review 58 (2):410-.
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    R. D. CONNOR and A. D. SIMPSON, with A. D. MORRISON-LOW , Weights and Measures in Scotland: A European Perspective. Edinburgh: NMS Publishing, 2004. Pp. xvi+842. ISBN 1-901663-88-4. £50.00. [REVIEW]Matthew Eddy - 2006 - British Journal for the History of Science 39 (4):601-602.
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    The Cambridge companion to Socrates.Donald R. Morrison (ed.) - 2011 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The Cambridge Companion to Socrates is a collection of essays providing a comprehensive guide to Socrates, the most famous Greek philosopher. Because Socrates himself wrote nothing, our evidence comes from the writings of his friends (above all Plato), his enemies, and later writers. Socrates is thus a literary figure as well as a historical person. Both aspects of Socrates' legacy are covered in this volume. Socrates' character is full of paradox, and so are his philosophical views. These paradoxes have led (...)
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    On the principles of the formation of spheres of existence in the formal ontology of R. Ingarden.D. R. Shtykov - 2019 - Liberal Arts in Russia 8 (1):24.
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    Les préjudices professionnels des jeunes victimes de dommages corporels. Partie 2 : Les difficultés liées à l’évaluation des pertes de gains professionnels.D. Lizano, C. Rougé-Maillart & R. Clément - 2022 - Médecine et Droit 2022 (174):48-52.
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    Tempering effects on three martensitic carbon steels studied by mechanical spectroscopy.R. Martin, I. Tkalcec, D. Mari & R. Schaller - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (22):2907-2920.
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  25. The Solace of Shadowland.R. D. Johnston - 1948
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    Methane hydrate crystal growth in a porous medium filled with methane-saturated liquid water.D. Katsuki, R. Ohmura, T. Ebinuma & H. Narita - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (7):1057-1069.
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  27. Towards a Very Old Account of Rationality in Experiment: Occult Practices in Chaotic Sonoluminescence.D. L. Holt & R. G. Holt - 1998 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 63:217-238.
  28.  33
    Two Passages from the Aeneid.R. D. Williams - 1961 - The Classical Review 11 (03):195-197.
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    Āvāz-i rāz: bāzʹnivīsī va talkhīṣ-i dāstānhā[-yi] ramzī, ʻIrfānī-i Shaykh-i Ishrāq.Riz̤ā Asādʹpūr - 2004 - Tihrān: Muʼassasah-ʼi Farhangī-i Ahl-i Qalam. Edited by Akbar Īrānī Qummī, Mukhtārʹpūr Qahrūdī, ʻAlī Riz̤ā & Yaḥyá ibn Ḥabash Suhrawardī.
    Commentary and summarization of the selected works of Yaḥyá ibn Ḥabash Suhrawardī, 1152 or 1153-1191.
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  30. Two Soviet Studies on Frege.R. V. Birjukov, Ignacio Angelelli & D. Reidel - 1967 - Critica 1 (1):117-122.
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    The Secret (Poem).R. D. Carmichael - 1919 - The Monist 29 (3):404-405.
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  32. Ash, CJ, Stability of recursive structures in arithmetical degrees Ash, CJ, Categoric@ in hyperarithmetical degrees.D. Cenzer, P. Clote, R. L. Smith, S. S. Wainer, K. J. Compton, C. W. Henson & S. Shelah - 1988 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 40:307-310.
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    A List Of Ph.D. Theses In The History Of Science And Related Areas In Australian Universities To 1976.D. R. Oldroyd - 1977 - British Journal for the History of Science 10 (1):86-87.
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    The effects of pacing and distribution on intercorrelations of motor abilities.R. D. Nance - 1947 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 37 (6):459.
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  35. Natural language understanding: Models of Roger Schank and his students.R. Schank & D. Leake - 2002 - In Lynn Nadel, Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Macmillan. pp. 189--195.
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    A study of copper distribution in lamellar Al–CuAl2eutectics using an energy analysing electron microscope.D. R. Spalding, R. E. Villacrana & G. A. Chadwick - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 20 (165):471-488.
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    Note on the letter by Ostertag and Quéré.R. W. Balluffi & D. N. Seidman - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 19 (158):433-434.
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  38. Response to M. Vicentini's comments on “studying conceptual change in learning physics”.D. I. Dykstra, R. A. Boyle & I. A. Monarch - 1993 - Science Education 77 (3):343-349.
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    The lattice thermal conductivity of some palladium and platinum alloys.R. Fletcher & D. Greig - 1967 - Philosophical Magazine 16 (140):303-315.
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    The low temperature thermoelectric power of some palladium and platinum alloys.R. Fletcher & D. Greig - 1968 - Philosophical Magazine 17 (145):21-35.
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    Plasmon losses in Al-Mg alloys.D. R. Spalding & A. J. F. Metherell - 1968 - Philosophical Magazine 18 (151):41-48.
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    Filosofia, Ética e Geografia: Relatos de Uma Experiência Acadêmica com Danilo Di Manno de Almeida.R. A. Assis, R. S. Gomes & D. Pansarelli - 2011 - Páginas de Filosofía 3 (1-2):81-91.
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    André-Marie Ampère and his English Acquaintances.R. K. & D. L. Gardiner - 1965 - British Journal for the History of Science 2 (3):235-245.
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    The Worcester Fragments of Statius' Thebaid.R. D. Williams - 1947 - The Classical Review 61 (3-4):88-90.
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    The Last Generation of the Roman Republic.D. R. Shackleton Bailey & E. S. Gruen - 1975 - American Journal of Philology 96 (4):436.
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  46. Social Cognition, Social Skill, and Social Motivation Minimally Predict Social Interaction Outcomes for Autistic and Non-Autistic Adults.Kerrianne E. Morrison, Kilee M. DeBrabander, Desiree R. Jones, Robert A. Ackerman & Noah J. Sasson - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Social cognition, social skill, and social motivation have been extensively researched and characterized as atypical in autistic people, with the assumption that each mechanistically contributes to the broader social interaction difficulties that diagnostically define the condition. Despite this assumption, research has not directly assessed whether or how these three social domains contribute to actual real-world social interaction outcomes for autistic people. The current study administered standardized measures of social cognition, social skill, and social motivation to 67 autistic and 58 non-autistic (...)
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    Reduction in sucrose reward magnitude without generalization decrement.R. A. Burns & D. P. Burns - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (3):196-198.
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    The Structure of Exact Thought.R. D. Carmichael - 1924 - The Monist 34 (1):63-95.
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  49. Precis of How monkeys see the world. BBS 15: 135-182.D. L. Cheney & R. M. Seyfarth - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (3):571.
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    Carmichael's Reply to Klyce.R. D. Carmichael - 1925 - The Monist 35 (3):496-497.
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